
  1. A user’s ability to make use of various parts of the Website or particular Services may be regulated by applicable know-your-customer (“KYC”) and/or anti-money laundering (“AML”) laws and the respective rules and regulations.
  2. UHURU may, at various times and depending on a range of factors in its sole discretion, including the amount of a transaction actioned and/or the exact nature of the user, require that a user submit certain information to UHURU in order for the user to be verified as not infringing any of UHURU’s KYC and/or AML requirements and/or local or foreign laws. This information may include identity documents, passport documents and/or bank account information. UHURU reserves the right to limit or terminate a user’s access and use of the Services should the user fail to adhere to these requirements to the standard required by UHURU. UHURU also reserves the right to share this information with any legal authority when required under applicable laws.
  3. UHURU may restrict user transactions that may violate laws or UHURU’s internal KYC or AML conditions herein and as updated from time to time.
  4. As a minimum, the following rules are applied:
    1. UHURU Innovative solutions has three tiers of verification, each tier is marked by the documentation required to be able to transact at that tier.
    2. Tier 1: A user is required to verify an email address, mobile number & provide an identity document such as a passport, drivers licence or identity document. This tier allows the user to transact a monthly maximum of R5000.
    3. Tier 2: A user is required to verify all items listed in Tier 1 and including proof of residence. Acceptable form of proof of residence, are documents such as service bills and bank statements. The name on the statement or bill should match the Profile of the user on the website. This tier allows a user to transact a monthly maximum of R15000.
    4. Tier 3: A user is required to verify all items listed in Tier 1&2 and including proof of income. Accepted proof of income documents is only payslips. This tier allows a user to transact a monthly maximum of R400000.